efinti® is a registered trademark of CORE SOFT SAS, which certifies that it is a legally constituted commercial company in Colombia, with its main domicile in the city of Barranquilla, which has implemented a Self-Control and Risk Management System for the development of its operations. Comprehensive ML / FT / FPADM (SAGRILAFT) of mandatory compliance that seeks through due diligence to prevent the Company from being used as a means or channel of criminal elements for illicit purposes in the development of its corporate purpose. This system complies with the Regulations current International and National on the matter, such as the recommendations of the FATF and best practices Based on the above, CORE SOFT SAS has adopted the policies and control mechanisms necessary for the prevention of the risk of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, among which the following stand out; the periodic evaluation of the risks, the training and constant disclosure to its collaborators and managers, the due diligence and knowledge of clients and suppliers, counterparties, products, market and jurisdictions, as well as the permanent monitoring of its system and operations, the segmentation of risk factors, the appointment of a Compliance Officer and his Substitute, the verification of the System by the Control Bodies (Internal Audit and Statutory Auditor) and collaboration with the authorities through the reporting of suspicious operations.