
Your best digital allies

With the main objective of supporting businesses to expand through digital media and satisfying their needs in this changing and competitive market, the CORESOFT company has created the Efinti platform.

Coresoft was born in 2019 as a company lends to provide solutions to companies, which are not based solely on software development, but, with a broader focus and analysis, allow them to achieve, in their clients, management optimization of your processes.

In that order of ideas and thanks to the pandemic, this company managed to consolidate in 2020 at the national level, offering digitalization solutions, digital transformation, improvement of results and indicators to companies, among others. Allowing them in this year 2021 to internationalize and open new branches in countries such as the United States and Panama.

Along the way they have come across various gaps or access problems that many SMEs in Colombia are suffering, one of them specifically is access to finance for foreign trade activities. This need was identified because the creators of Coresoft began to sell to clients in the United States and over time they ran out of liquidity to operate, so they began to look for alternatives that could solve this situation.

Hence, and thanks to the fact that they have the ability to develop technology, they decided to launch a technological platform that would help the SME sector to obtain liquidity on mainly export invoices, this is well called EFINTI, a solution that will be launched in early 2022 to impact thousands of SMEs that suffer from financial illiquidity, as Coresoft once did.

Efinti, Liquidity without borders, complies with all current regulations, in legal matters for the exercise of factoring and confirming, as well as with strict SAGRILAFT policies.