
How to access my first business credit?

If you have a company with more than 6 months of operations and sales of more than 20 million pesos per month, this information is for you:

Access your first business credit with the Efinti New Entrepreneur Line:


  • Be a company legally constituted and registered with the Chamber of Commerce.
  • Have more than 6 months of business operation.
  • Have accumulated sales of the year greater than 100 million pesos or an average of 20 million pesos per month.
  • Not be negatively reported in risk centers (Company and Legal Representative).
  • Have a guarantor other than the legal representative with an Income Statement in the previous fiscal period.

Remember to have all your documentation up to date to request your quota with Efinti.

What are you waiting for?

Learn more about this product at: New Entrepreneur Line

Efinti, Liquidity without Borders!