
Main advantages of requesting a loan with a Fintech and not in a Bank

The Fintechs in the loan segment are an excellent alternative for the business sector that seeks to streamline procedures, find products adapted to their company size and achieve a true financial ally to achieve their goals.

Among the main products that we find in Fintech are Business Credit, Credit Card, Factoring and Confirming.

With these four products, a company can solve most of its financial leverage and capital needs.

Although banks offer similar alternatives to Fintech, you should know the advantages that it brings you to do it in a Technological Financial entity based on the loan segment:

  1. The procedures are much more agile, if a bank takes between 15 days and up to 1 month to process a credit application for companies, a Fintech can do it in less than a third of that time.
  2. Fintech requirements are more flexible and friendly to the early stages of business, as many seek to close the financial inclusion gap.
  3. Normally Reciprocity is not required, which is nothing more than leaving money in a bank account so that, based on the average balance, they lend you, this is because most of the Fintechs in the loan segment do not offer a deposit account or carry out exercises of massive uptake.
  4. Avoid lines, traffic jams and waiting hours to be served at a traditional bank, being able to request your financing products through a Fintech from the comfort of your office or home.
  5. Help the environment by not having to use physical paperwork with a Fintech to execute your financing operations.

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