
In Colombia, 62% of MSMEs do not have access to financing

In Colombia, 62% of MSMEs do not have access to financing

Around 1.5 million companies in Colombia still cannot access bank loans to leverage their businesses.

And it goes without saying about foreign trade activities that its financing in traditional banking continues to be reserved for the large companies segment.

However, one of the main causes of failure of an early-stage company is not having enough liquidity to continue paying its commitments while clients pay it or even to survive in seasons where the market cycle stops and becomes necessary. maintaining fixed but minimal costs to reach new income.

MSMEs do not have access to financing

Colombia is one of the Latin American countries where the mortality rate of young companies or ventures is highest due to the lack of capital to continue growing.

For this reason, the use of mechanisms such as Factoring for the survival of young companies that do their job well by selling to other companies with more experience in the market and even daring to explore international markets becomes a substantially promising alternative.

Efinti Fintech – Factoring for MSMEs.

Factoring in Colombia: Invoices from 1,000,000 COP.

International Factoring (United States and Panama): Invoices from 10,000 USD.

Now Factoring is for everyone!