
Difficulties when applying for a loan in Latin America

Surely you have thought of knocking on the door of a bank to request any type of business credit in Latin American countries

Surely you have thought of knocking on the door of a bank to request any type of business credit in Latin American countries, and you have encountered barriers such as:

  • It is necessary to have a minimum of 2 years of operations.
  • You need to have a minimum income of more than several times what you can produce in a starting year.
  • You need to have financial solvency.
  • Co-debtors with liquidity and even real estate.

Among other requirements that prove that to borrow money you must have money in itself.

But what about those startups? Those companies that have a business plan and on which the future of a whole family depends because they decided to start with their life savings.

The answer: No bank lends them because they first have to demonstrate that they are capable of generating.

And financially it makes sense, but for those cases there are alternative financing mechanisms based on sales capacity and not so much on the equity of the companies, as is pure factoring.

Factoring refers to the transfer of a security that is in time for payment, in order to collect that future flow of money in the present.

In other words, immediate liquidity!

Of course, this mechanism is also offered by banks, however, it is necessary to have lines of credit opened to be able to access it.

Unlike a Fintech like Efinti that does not make loans, so you can request a factoring leveraged with the payment capacity of your clients and your sales and growth potential.


If your clients believed in you, so do we, Efinti – Liquidez sin Fronteras.