
How to save money using Confiming?

To save money using confirming, we must ask our suppliers for cash and credit payment prices, which will most likely be different.

To save money using confirming, we must ask our suppliers for cash and credit payment prices, which will most likely be different.

If your company makes purchases on credit, it is most likely that your suppliers will make an increase in the price to include the interest or financial costs of not receiving this money in cash but on time, where they can even rise up to 10% in cases where the payment term is 60 days and more.

Obviously, this increase made by the supplier is a value that is included in the costing of prices to our customers, however, when paying in cash using Confirming Efinti, we can maintain the periodicity of payment in installments and request the supplier the financial discount for cash payment, since Efinti pays your accounts payable directly and gives you the flexibility to continue paying in installments with a very considerable commission alongside the one that your provider can charge you.

Of course, there are cases where this is not the case and the providers may not want to agree to give you discounts, however, this clearly depends on the negotiation that you manage to do with them.

Efinti gives you the tools to negotiate both with your clients and collect cash (Factoring), as well as with your suppliers to pay cash (Confirming) without affecting the production chain and the stipulated and customary negotiation deadlines.

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