
Factoring seen from the Sales Department

This is the story of Ana, a Sales Director of a family business that manufactures and sells its products in distribution warehouses.

Ana is in charge of leading the sales department, the customer service department and responsible for the portfolio department achieving the effective recovery of credit sales.

And yes, to sell in volume and be able to grow a company, you have to sell on credit!

60% of the time that Ana works in the company is dedicated to the portfolio department, since many clients, not due to lack of money, but due to administrative disorder, pay the company their credit invoices at the wrong time.

John, the company’s accountant, is quite worried because at the end of the month they are always in trouble to pay their payroll and to make credit payments to their suppliers. The cash flow of the company is not optimal, even when the level of sales is going well.

Ana, talking to a friend who in turn works for one of the company’s suppliers, discovers Efinti, a solution particularly adapted to companies like Ana’s in which the main concern should be to sell more and continue to grow and not so much worry if the collections are going to enter in the established times or if the cash flow is going to be enough to cover the suppliers.

Oh surprise, for Ana, Efinti becomes the ally she was looking for so much, not only making use of Factoring to sell on credit and collect almost in cash, but also helping to improve the acquisition prices of raw materials and the relationship with suppliers. by offering them payment through cash confirming and Ana’s company continuing to pay on credit.

Ana’s company was never again in difficulty to pay a payroll or buy more raw material from its suppliers, since its cash flow was always stable and according to projections.

This is the story of thousands of companies that today cannot find an effective solution to their liquidity problems and have to go out into debt, even informally, to meet their obligations.

However, Efinti has come to support the growth of companies like Ana’s and yours that want to continue growing without borders and improve their treasury and collection processes through 100% digital financial solutions at www.efinti.com


What are you waiting for? – Do not wear yourself out as Ana and her company had to do at some point, be part of the companies of the future that grow exponentially with Efinti!