Efinti is a software and technology development company founded in 2019 in Colombia by Andrés Tobón and Alejandra Gaviria. It offers financial services to enterprises in Latin America and the US. It promotes financial inclusion for companies by improving their economic conditions and access to capital.
“Our business is centered in helping businesses grow, eliminating the frequent barriers to access capital”, states Andrés Tobón. In a few words, they are a Fintech that guarantees liquidity without borders.
Just a year after its opening and expansion to the US, Efinti was experiencing accelerated growth, which required new personnel, an extension of the facility, and new equipment. When Andrés and Alejandra reached out to their bank to find the funding to do this, the answer was negative; they had to wait 3 more years to acquire an entrepreneurial credit line.
Note taken from www.influencernewsdaily.com, you can see the complete note here.