
Credit or Factoring? What is best for me?

Credit: a word that surely many people are afraid of. Just thinking about the consequences of not paying it, the annoying charging calls and the uneasiness of duty, we want to avoid it as much as possible. However, it is not always bad to go into debt, you just have to keep in mind what […]

For today 09/30/2021, the most outstanding news

Shares in the US will open with positive numbers after the Biden administration succeeds in passing a law to suspend the debt ceiling, which will prevent the US from going into default. The House of Representatives, with a Democratic majority, last night approved a bill to suspend the debt ceiling and prevent the country from […]

Dynamics of the Foreign Exchange market in Colombia – 09/29/2021

On September 29, 2021, the US dollar Colombian peso pair fluctuated in a mixed way in what is known as intraday movement: Summary: it rose 4.03 pesos, corresponding to an increase of 0.11% compared to the previous day. The TRM decreased by 0.47% (17.96 Pesos) in reference to the same day of the previous year, […]

If time is money, why not use factoring?


In business, time is key, growing faster than the competition is essential to gain market share, strengthen products and services and even your value offer. Although it is key to maintain a relationship between organization management and growth, finances should be the fundamental pillar of any company, and by finances we mean financial health. Now, […]

Efinti awakens the interest of investors and now has several options to present itself to the Atlantic Acelera call

Company with high innovative potential (EAPI), this is how Core Soft is cataloged, the technology company that with only two years has managed to penetrate international markets such as the United States and Panama and that today is preparing to receive its second investment. Core Soft, thanks to its Fintech project called efinti, has managed […]

Main advantages of using Factoring as a financing mechanism

28Factoring is a tool that generates liquidity, allowing MSMEs to optimize their accounts receivable and improve indicators such as return on assets, operational cash flow and accounts receivable turnover. Among the main advantages of using factoring we find: Obtain immediate financing because you do not have to wait until the deadline for paying bills. Improve […]